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OLHD March 2017 Meeting

7:00 P.M.

Weather Permitting!

14496 SE River Rd. @ Maple St.


With a little bit of luck Old Man Winter will not interrupt our meeting in March!

At our last meeting we spent a fair amount of time discussing At Risk Historic Houses and the things that can lead to their ultimate demolition.

We will be continuing that discussion at our March meeting, focusing on things that OLHD might realistically do to promote interest and pride in our community’s historic homes, with the ultimate goal of encouraging stewardship in these houses – preserving them into the future.

Our guest speaker for the evening will be Joyce Allmon, Willamette View Manor director of Communications and Community Relations, speaking about the History of Willamette View Manor.

1970 newspaper advert for Willamette Methodist Hospital

Update on Oatfield House Demolition Hearing:  March 9th is also the date for the hearing pertaining to the proposed demolition of the Phil Oatfield House.  And as luck would have it, the hearing will be at the EXACT SAME TIME as our OLHD meeting!  The hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Clackamas County Development Services Building, Room 118,  150 Beavercreek Rd.. in Oregon City. (map)

You now have a choice:  Attend the hearing in person and testify if you wish , OR you can attend the OLHD meeting and provide WRITTEN testimony to the demolition hearing by emailing Linda Preisz at prior to March 9th, citing ZOOO9-17, Demolition of Oatfield House.

You can also write Linda Preisz at Linda Preisz, Senior Planner, Clackamas Co. Planning Division, 150 Beavercreek Rd., Oregon City, OR 97045.

Join us on March 9th for what promises to be an informative and interesting evening.

Mike Schmeer
Chairman, Oak Lodge History Detectives

error: Content is protected by the guy who spent thousands of hours collecting and cataloging these archives!!