THURSDAY DEC. 8th 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings Detectives: Our December meeting will be a special event celebrating the upcoming holiday season, and a program highlighting precisely what we do best — some of the detective work involved in “investigating the past to enrich our […]
THURSDAY NOV. 10TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings Detectives: The History Detectives have not met since June 9th, when Jane Morrison gave us her great presentation on “What Style Is My House?”. So after a busy summer, and a long road trip by yours truly, […]
Greetings: It’s already September! As an extension of OLHD’s summer hiatus there will be no meeting in September. Yours truly will be taking advantage of the resumption of public school and the usual pleasant September weather. Look for an announcement in October, when the monsoons will most likely resume, and we’ll be retreating to inside […]
BRICKS AND MORTAR: The Oak Lodge History Detectives Annual Summer Field Trip will take place on Saturday, August 27, 2016, at 10 am, at 18606 SE Addie Street in Jennings Lodge. Tour an early 20th century brick bungalow with 10 inch thick walls, and the former site of Alexander Gill’s Meldrum Station brick works. The […]
THURSDAY JUNE 9TH 7:00 P.M. Oak Lodge Water District Offices 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings: The Oak Lodge History Detectives will be meeting June 9th for the last time before our summer break. OLHD is pleased to announce a presentation by our own Jane Morrison on Historic Architectural Building Styles found in […]
Greetings: In May of 2015 the Oak Lodge History Detectives voted to join the Concord Partnership in it’s efforts to save and repurpose Concord School. The Concord Partnership will be conducting its May meeting Thursday night. Please join us for an update on the current status of the project. Join us at The Concord Partnership […]
Attention! Change of Usual Meeting Date THURSDAY MAY 19TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings Detectives: Due to Clackamas County’s scheduling a Town Hall meeting on our regular meeting night (which will be Thursday May 12th at Riverside School – 6:30 PM) I have postponed our […]
Greetings: In May of 2015 the Oak Lodge History Detectives voted to join the Concord Partnership in it’s efforts to save and repurpose Concord School. The Concord Partnership will be conducting its April meeting tomorrow night. Please join us for an update on the current status of the project. Join The Concord Partnership Thursday April […]
THURSDAY APRIL 21ST 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings Detectives: Due to extenuating circumstances, please note that the April meeting is one week later than usual — instead of being April 14th, it is on the following Thursday night, APRIL 21ST. Originally our guest speaker for […]
THURSDAY MAR. 10TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Dear Detectives: There is HISTORY, then there’s HISTORY! Sometimes it’s fun to take a broader perspective to our local history. I am please to announce to you that this month’s program will feature the presentation on the Ice […]
THURSDAY Feb. 11th 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings Detectives: It has been some time since OLHD has had a regular meeting – the last actual meeting being Oct. 8th. So at our February meeting we will pick up where we left off before the holidays, […]
OAK LODGE HISTORY DETECTIVES JANUARY 2016 SPECIAL PRESENTATION The Oak Lodge History Detectives is CANCELLING it’s usual January meeting in lieu of the presentation “Families On The Ridge – The Oatfields and Thiessens”, being presented by Mike Schmeer on January 16th at the Oak Hills Presbyterian Church at 5101 S.E. Thiessen Road, at 7:00 P.M. […]
As the holidays rapidly grow nearer, the Oak Lodge History Detectives would like to send you this sentiment from Oak Grove’s Buy Rite Grocery in 1967. OLHD wishes you and yours Happy Holidays, and the best in 2016. We thank you for all the support you have given us over these last several years. Mike […]
Greetings: Without a doubt the most frequently asked question we get at OLHD is “What is my house’s history?” or “How do I research my house’s history?” The research required in researching the history of one’s house can be a challenge, and can vary widely depending on the age and location of the house. But […]
THURSDAY DEC 10TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings Detectives: The Oak Lodge History Detectives will be ending 2015 with an informal Holiday potluck and brain storming session — reminiscences and identification of businesses that we can remember along McLoughlin Blvd. Do you remember the Super […]