THURSDAY MARCH 9th 7:00 P.M. Weather Permitting! OAK LODGE WATER SERVICES OFFICES 14496 SE River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings: With a little bit of luck Old Man Winter will not interrupt our meeting in March! At our last meeting we spent a fair amount of time discussing At Risk Historic Houses and the things […]
The date for the hearing pertaining to the proposed demolition of the Phil Oatfield House is March 9th. And as luck would have it, the hearing will be at the EXACT SAME TIME as our March 2017 OLHD meeting! The hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Clackamas County Development Services Building, Room […]
THURSDAY FEB. 9th 7:00 P.M. Weather Permitting ! OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings! They say “Try, try again”. And so we shall attempt to dodge Old Man Winter’s wrath this month and hold our first meeting in several months – cancelled previously due to unusually wintry weather. […]
Greetings: For those interested here is an update on the status of the proposed demolition of the 1903 Phil Oatfield house at 14928 S.E. Oatfield Rd. To the best of our knowledge no one has come forward to try and move this house to a new location. Unless someone should the process for approval of […]
RESTORE OREGON POSTS OATFIELD HOUSE ON THEIR WEBSITE The Oak Lodge History Detectives wishes to thank Restore Oregon for posting our notice about the proposed demolition of the Phil Oatfield House on their website. You can see the post on their blog or by going to their home page and doing a search on “Oatfield”. […]
JAN. 12TH 2017 MEETING CANCELLED We surrender!!!!! Old Man Winter is being RELENTLESS. Even if we don’t get any more snow, what moisture remains on the roads will freeze tonight, and stay frozen tomorrow. So will parking lots, sidewalks, bike paths and driveways. It’s just not worth the risk. Stay home, stay warm, and stay […]
Greetings: As an addendum to yesterday’s announcement that the Phil Oatfield house is slated to be demolished, we have learned today that Clackamas County has just posted a notification about this proposed action on their website. This posting provides information as to the owner of the property and an address where the agent can be […]
Greetings! I thought I’d share with you the history of another local icon that is about to be demolished – another loss to the community. If you know anyone that might be able to rescue this house please pass this along. This history is expected to be posted on the Restore Oregon website. End of […]
THURSDAY JAN. 12th 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Greetings and Happy New Year: Old Man Winter has been relentless thus far this winter. Our December meeting, at which we had planned to present “Bricks and Mortar Chapter Two” had to be canceled due […]
Due to the forecasted inclement weather for Thursday the Oak Lodge History Detectives meeting and program scheduled for Thursday evening Dec. 8th, at 7:00 P.M. has been CANCELLED As much as we love history it’s not worth risking an accident. Watch for our announcement in early January when we’ll attempt to try again. Stay safe, […]
Greetings: I wanted to share with everyone the news that the historic Philip Oatfield house on Oatfield Road (incorrectly identified as the John Oatfield House) is scheduled to be either moved (if someone will step forward) or demolished. A sign went up this morning announcing that eventuality. This house was constructed in 1903 by Phil […]
Greetings: Many of you may have seen the obituary in the newspaper last month. But I doubt many knew that Dick Mort was a member of the Oak Lodge History Detectives. Dick passed away on Oct. 22. He was the companion of another OLHD member, Nancy (Starkweather) Hersey. I first met Dick when I went […]
THURSDAY DEC. 8th 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings Detectives: Our December meeting will be a special event celebrating the upcoming holiday season, and a program highlighting precisely what we do best — some of the detective work involved in “investigating the past to enrich our […]
THURSDAY NOV. 10TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings Detectives: The History Detectives have not met since June 9th, when Jane Morrison gave us her great presentation on “What Style Is My House?”. So after a busy summer, and a long road trip by yours truly, […]
Greetings: It’s already September! As an extension of OLHD’s summer hiatus there will be no meeting in September. Yours truly will be taking advantage of the resumption of public school and the usual pleasant September weather. Look for an announcement in October, when the monsoons will most likely resume, and we’ll be retreating to inside […]