THURSDAY OCTOBER 24th 7:00 P.M. Oak Lodge Water Services District Offices 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. OLHD’s usual “second Thursday” meeting in October (originally scheduled for Oct. 10th) — our “Annual Meeting” — has been re-scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 24th. The usual meeting room at the Oak Lodge Sanitary Services Bldg. has been […]
THURSDAY JUNE 13TH 7:00 P.M. Oak Lodge Water Services District Offices 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings: This notice is a little later than usual — indicative of an exceedingly busy spring season. This meeting will be our last meeting until our “annual meeting” in October. In addition to our regular business we […]
SUPERIOR DAIRY Few people living in Oak Lodge today will likely remember Superior Dairy. Part of the original Naef Farm, the dairy was located across the “Super 99” (McLoughlin Blvd.) from the Super 99 Drive In. The dairy was founded in 1941 by partners Kenneth Huddle and Ray Stoll – dairymen of Swedish ancestry. The […]
OAK LODGE HISTORY DETECTIVES APRIL 2019 “SPECIAL” MEETING THURSDAY APRIL 11TH 7:00 p.m. Oak Lodge Water Services District Offices 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings: Our April meeting will be an important meeting. We are calling it a “Special Meeting” in that our current bylaws specify that amendments to the bylaws can be […]
Greetings: Recently I have been giving a lot of thought as to OLHD’s longevity, and that of our website. Over the last 10 years OLHD has become a well recognized organization in Clackamas County due to the information on our website, the occasional OLHD postings on Facebook, our occasional presentations, presence at community events, and […]
Greetings: Recently an application was made to the Clackamas Co. Planning Division to install solar panels to the roof of one of our Clackamas County Historic Landmarks – specifically the Isabelle Rupert House. This came to The attention of the Oak Lodge History Detectives (OLHD), and when we investigated we found that the owner had […]
Feb. 14, 2019 7:00 P.M. Oak Lodge Water Services Bldg. 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple Greetings: It’s been a while since OLHD has had the opportunity to meet. But weather, and health permitting, we will again meet on Valentine’s Day – a romantic opportunity for you and your sweetheart 🙂 I’m attaching our Nov. […]
NO OLHD MEETING THIS MONTH Greetings: Due to a variety of reasons OLHD will not be meeting in December. As agreed to by the membership earlier this year OLHD will be meeting the 2nd Thursday of the following months in 2019 – – – watch for announcements prior to each scheduled meeting for any changes: […]
Greetings: Word has just reached OLHD of the passing last Oct. 7th of Charlee Moore, wife of Bob Moore of Moore’s Flour Mill. You can read about her in this obituary. OLHD interviewed Bob and Charlee in 2011, and that interview can be viewed at the Oak Lodge History Detectives YouTube Channel. We are saddened to […]
ATTENTION! OLHD October Meeting Cancelled The Oct. 11th Oak Lodge History Detectives meeting is cancelled due to illness. Intended to be OLHD’s “Annual Meeting” the October meeting has been re-scheduled to Nov. 8th. Please mark your calendars. A reminder will be sent out 2 weeks prior. We apologize for any inconvenience. Mike Schmeer Chairman, Oak Lodge History […]
ERC Commemorative Sign Meeting Saturday, Oct. 20th 10:30 a.m. Oak Lodge Water Services Office 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple Greetings: The Oak Lodge Community is invited to a meeting to provide input for a commemorative sign to be installed on the former Evangelical Retreat Center property in Jennings Lodge by developer Lennar NW. The […]
OAK LODGE HISTORY DETECTIVES ANNUAL MEETING & MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL October 11th, 2018 November 8th, 2018 7:00 P.M. Oak Lodge Water Services Bldg. 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings: Fall is upon us (finally) and it’s time for OLHD to resume its quest for knowledge of, and preservation of, our local history. As required by […]
OLHD is saddened to have learned of the passing of Adele Wilder, an avid supporter and volunteer for the Milwaukie Museum along with her sister Enid. Both Adele and Enid were videotaped in an OLHD interview several years ago. Adele was a joy to be around. Our sincere condolences go out to her family. Memorial […]
Mark your calendars for our Aug. 4th field trip to North Clackamas County’s oldest extant church! Visit to 1907 Jennings Lodge Church Saturday, August 4, 2018 at 10:30 AM The oldest church still standing in northern Clackamas County Tour of Church and Original Bell Tower Our Lady of Grace Pro-Cathedral 18403 S.E. Blanton Street Special […]
Greetings: The historic Harvey G. Starkweather house on River Rd. is for sale. OLHD was privileged to have been given a tour of this house several Christmases ago. This house and property is an icon in our community – connected to the Risley family history in that Harvey Starkweather’s wife was Mary Alice Risley, and […]