Greetings! Generally, in the past, OLHD has held its “Annual Meeting” in October. However, just like so many other things, Covid-19 has changed all that. For safety’s sake we will not be holding an in-person meeting in October. In fact indications are that in-person gatherings may have to be delayed well into 2021. I’m not […]
Greetings: If you’ve ever thought that, perhaps, you’d like to try and preserve your unique or historic property into the future once you’ve “moved on” this webinar might be something you’d be interested in. Conservation Easements are held by a preservation organization, and place certain restrictions on your property (which you can customize) which restrict […]
OAK GROVE’S SKOOG FAMILY A few old timers from Oak Lodge may remember the Skoog family. Perhaps they went to school with a Skoog, or maybe they remember the family from Skoog’s Garage, or the Oak Grove Fire Dept. Originally from Sweden the Skoogs immigrated to the U.S. in 1866, eventually settling and homesteading in […]
OAK LODGE HISTORY DETECTIVES NO JUNE MEETING Greetings: In a normal year OLHD would be having a meeting the second Thursday in June. However, Covid-19 has changed all that. Though Oregon is gradually starting to open up we are still experiencing new cases, and the majority of our members are in the “most vulnerable” category. […]
Though we are not able to meet in person, are “Social Distancing” and staying safe at home, we can still enjoy our local history. The name Starkweather is probably not familiar to most people living in Oak Lodge today. But 100 years ago it would have been a household name. Most people today would associate […]
Historians and genealogists alike are well aware of the value of city directories when researching an area’s history or their family history. They can be a great research tool. Portland has directories back to the early1860’s, available at libraries and on Oak Grove and Jennings Lodge, being relatively new communities (1890 and 1903 respectively), rarely […]
OAK LODGE HISTORY DETECTIVES APRIL 2020 MEETING CANCELLED Greetings: So, here we are, in the midst of a National (World Wide) Health Crisis and a ton of uncertainty. Do I really need to SAY it? Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic crisis, the fact that the majority of the OLHD members fall into the “most vulnerable” […]
Al Schmidhamer 1927 – 2019 The Oak Lodge History Detectives have recently learned that Al Schmidhamer, nearly a life-long resident of Oak Grove, passed away last November 30th. Al knew a lot about the history of modern day Oak Lodge, and was part of it. Alwin Joseph Schmidhamer was born in Portland Feb. 13, 1927. […]
Greetings: Sometimes doing an adequate job of documenting history requires a great deal of time and effort. Such is the case with the program “Risleys On The Willamette” presented by yours truly last October. But it is finally available for you to see. The link below will take you to the Risley portion of the […]
THURSDAY FEB. 13TH 7:00 P.M. Oak Lodge Water Services Offices 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings: It’s a new year, and OLHD will be meeting again – for the 99th time (including events) – to learn more about our area’s history. In addition to just a few updates we will be expanding on […]
THURSDAY DEC. 12TH 7:00 P.M. Oak Lodge Water Services Offices 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings: As we race into the holiday season we shall meet one more time before year’s end to satisfy our thirst for history. In addition to just a few updates on history related things going on in the […]
Last Thursday’s OLHD meeting was a great success. Thirty five people attended our annual meeting, with members renewing their membership and others joining for the first time. We were very pleased, and honored, to have nearly a dozen descendants of Jacob S. Risley present and it is our sincere hope that we will continue seeing […]
OAK LODGE HISTORY DETECTIVES OCTOBER 2019 ANNUAL MEETING THURSDAY OCT. 24TH 7:00 P.M. Oak Lodge Water Services Offices 14496 S.E. River Rd. @ Maple St. Greetings: It’s time for our OLHD annual meeting! This year’s annual meeting is being delayed two weeks from the usual 2nd Thursday due to a trip planned by yours truly […]
Special Heritage Celebration Tuesday, Sept. 24th 7:00 p.m. The Jennings Lodge CPO invites you to a Special Heritage Celebration on Tuesday, September 24, at 7 p.m. In lieu of its regular business meeting, The CPO is hosting a celebration of Jennings Lodge history, which will include recognition of the first outdoor interpretative heritage sign recently […]
MARK YOUR CALENDARS Please join the Jennings Lodge Community Planning Organization (JLCPO) for a SPECIAL HERITAGE CELEBRATION on Tuesday September 24, 2019 at 7 pm in lieu of the usual JLCPO regular business meeting. Everyone is invited to celebrate the new interpretative heritage marker, which commemorates the early history and development of our community. The […]