THURSDAY FEB. 9TH7:00 P.M. Concord School3811 S.E. Concord Rd.Upper Floor; N.W. corner room Greetings! Not having met since October the Oak Lodge History Detectives will again be meeting on Thursday Feb. 9th, at 7:00 P.M. This will be another opportunity for folks to renew their membership to OLHD, and purchase our new “Hooked on History” […]
Due to an unexpected health episode by yours truly over the Thanksgiving holiday OLHD was unable to schedule a meeting in December. But things are looking up for early 2023. Stay tuned. The holidays are now upon us and it’s time to celebrate with those we love. OLHD wishes you and yours a MERRY CHRISTMAS […]
Thursday Oct. 13, 20227:00 P.M.Historic Concord School3811 SE Concord Rd. (Upper floor, N.W. corner) FINALLY! After 2 ½ years of hiatus due to the Covid pandemic the Oak Lodge History Detectives will again be meeting IN PERSON. The North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District has kindly offered us a space to meet in the historic […]
Greetings! SAVE THE DATE! Oct. 13, 2022 After a 2 year hiatus of no in-person OLHD meetings because of Covid, OLHD will FINALLY be meeting again on Oct. 13th, 2022 – – – at the historic Concord School. As the owner of the Concord complex the North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District (NCPRD) has begun […]
Greetings! The link below will take you to the “Preservation: Three Perspectives” presentation I was asked to participate in on June 1st. It was hosted by the Milwaukie Ledding Library, Milwaukie Historical Society, and City of Milwaukie as part of the library’s spring Lecture Series. I was the last of the four speakers, so my […]
Change happens every day in our lives, our community, and in the universe. Without change life would be boring or even nonexistent. But our past, like historic buildings, help tell our story of where we began and what to either repeat or do better in the future. Milwaukie Museum’s next Ledding Library Lecture Series entitled […]
Long before Fred Meyer established its presence in Oak Grove the property that it now occupies was owned by two separate land claim holders: Orrin Kellogg’s 1851 Donation Land Claim and George Crow’s 1850 Donation Land Claim. As a result of a complicated 1882 transaction involving John & Celia Fahy, Samuel & A.F. Stein, Charles […]
OLHD is saddened to have learned of the passing of Enid Briggs, an avid supporter and volunteer for the Milwaukie Museum along with her sister Adele Wilder. OLHD had the pleasure of interviewing the two sisters in 2011, which is available for viewing on a link in OLHD’s website, or directly via the OLHD YouTube […]
The most frequently asked question received by OLHD is “can you tell me the history of my house?”. Unfortunately, our most frequent answer is “sorry, but no”. Only a handful of the thousands of older homes in the Oak Lodge area have had their history documented and recorded. Hundreds of others await a willing homeowner […]
Greetings! UPDATE: new date! January 8, 2022 at Noon If you’re interested in the history of Oak Lodge’s indigenous population prior to the arrival of the Europeans you may be interested in this online zoom presentation – sponsored by the Oak Lodge Governance Project: David G. Lewis, assistant professor in anthropology and Native studies at […]
Greetings! For those interested in researching their house’s history: The Architectural Heritage Center is holding a four hour class on that topic on Saturday, Nov. 13th at 10:00 a.m. The cost is $10 for non-members of the Architectural Heritage Center. This event is a virtual event, and is Part 1 of a four part series. See […]
There is an old adage that says, “You can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been”. This applies to some degree to a recent event that occurred in the Fair Oaks neighborhood in Oak Grove. In 1946 a woman named Alice T. Campbell platted Fair Oaks Addition, a subdivision […]
Greetings! I just wanted to write to let everyone know that OLHD is STILL HERE! Though the Covid-19 Pandemic has taken the wind out of our sails, and completely interrupted our ability to continue studying our local history, research is still being done in the background – as much as can be done remotely. But […]
Greetings! BREAKING NEWS! After operating as a simple grass roots neighborhood history group for the last eleven years OLHD was recently designated a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit by the IRS. In March 2009 our group began with the invitation of several local history minded individuals to the home of Pat Kennedy to discuss the community’s local […]
Greetings: In any other year October would be OLHD’s Annual Meeting, at which time memberships that are due would be renewed. This year Covid-19 has changed all that. We have not had an in-person meeting since February 2020 and likely will not have one until well into 2021. Thus we’re all losing a year of […]