THURSDAY MARCH 14TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. RIVER RD. @ Maple St. Dear Detectives: I apologize for such a late notice, but things got a bit out of hand at this detective’s household. Things are better now and we’re back on track again. Besides our routine business the history segment […]
Greetings Detectives: On Feb. 24th the Oak Lodge History Detectives participated in the Milwaukie Elks “Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive – – A Happening” held at the Milwaukie Elks Lodge on McLoughlin Blvd. Over 1,000 people passed by our display to enjoy a host of fun activities, entertainment, charitable opportunities, food, and a tour of the facility. […]
Greetings OLHD Member: Attached is the Jacob S. Risley probate file I obtained from the Oregon State Archives. I have also attached a file for Risley’s obituary which appeared in the Oregonian, another file which pertains to the lot in SW Portland that Risley owned and his descendants inherited, and the “Risley Farm” survey from […]
Dear OLHD member: On February 10th the Oak Lodge History Detectives celebrated two years of having been incorporated as a non-profit organization. It was on Feb. 10, 2011 that many of us first wrote those checks for our annual OLHD dues. You are receiving this notice because Feb. 10th was your anniversary date. Our dues […]
THURSDAY FEB. 14TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. RIVER RD. @ Maple St. Dear Detectives: Now that yours truly has had a chance to rest from the holiday madness, a December genealogy class, a December meeting, and 10 days of babysitting the grandchildren, it’s time to resume the fascinating process of […]
Greetings Detectives: Last Wednesday evening, on Jan. 16th, the Oak Lodge History Detectives had the pleasure of being invited to tour the 100 year old home built by Harvey G. Starkweather on River Road. Al Sande, who with his wife Terry owns the Sandes of Time Bed & Breakfast, was a gracious host and treated […]
WEDNESDAY JAN. 16TH 7:00 P.M. Sandes Of Time Bed & Breakfast (Harvey Starkweather House) 16022 S.E. River Rd. Dear Detectives: This month your “chief of detectives” will be taking a breather. In lieu of our normal meeting members of OLHD have been invited by Terri Sandes to a tour of the Sandes of Time Bed […]
Greetings; The other day I sent out to several people a plat map for the “Subdivisions of Risley Farm” which I had found on the Clackamas County Surveyor’s website. The map itself is not dated. Though the map is not dated there is a good clue on the map which helps date it. Baldwin Van […]
On December 9th, OLHD hosted a Beginner’s Genealogy class, taught by OLHD Chairman Mike Schmeer, at the Oak Lodge Library. For 2 1/2 hours thirteen detectives learned how to get started researching your family history, and reviewed 17 key genealogy websites. Plans are being made to offer this class again in 2013. Sunday Dec 9, […]
Dear OLHD Detectives and friends: This link takes you to a brief article that appeared in the Oregonian on Nov. 29th. It’s about the woes of the Milwaukie Museum, it’s aging and declining membership, and it’s struggle to stay open. This is a problem for all historical organizations during economic downturns, but is especially critical […]
THURSDAY DEC. 13TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. RIVER RD. @ Maple St. Dear Detectives: The holidays are upon us and our local history pursuits will rightfully give way to family gatherings and holiday events. But for those that can squeeze it in OLHD will be meeting for the last time […]
SUNDAY DEC. 9TH 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Oak Lodge Library 16201 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd. Dear Detectives: You’ve heard me mention several times that genealogy and local history research go hand-in-hand. Many of the research techniques used to research one’s own genealogy can be used to research families from our local area. On Sunday, December […]
Dear Detectives: Our Oregon State Archives tour is coming up on Tuesday, Nov. 13th. Eight of us have signed up thus far, but should more of you want to go just show up at the meeting place. We will be meeting in the Bomber parking lot at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday morning. At that point we […]