THURSDAY NOV 14TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. RIVER RD. @ Maple St. Greetings Detectives: Our November 2013 meeting will include the usual business that needs to be addressed. But in addition, the history segment will consist of one hour devoted to the presentation “Jennings Lodge – A Brief Overview 1840-1910” […]
THURSDAY OCT 10TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. RIVER RD. @ Maple St. Greetings Detectives: Summer is over, the rains have returned right on schedule, and we’re all starting to retreat indoors more. It’s time to resume studying our local history. In addition to our routine business, a check of the […]
On September 14th several members of the Oak Lodge History Detectives visited the Isabelle Rupert house at the invitation of owners Gary and Pascale Steig. Built about 1903 by Isabelle Rupert, this house was the home of Isabelle and her parents Joseph A. and Sarah Rupert, and was recently designated a historic landmark by Clackamas […]
“The Chicken or the Egg?” The Evolution of the Oak Lodge label in Clackamas County, Oregon The questions come up frequently: Where exactly is Oak Lodge? Which came first, Oak Lodge or Oak Grove? Time has a way of clouding the facts as people move away or earlier generations pass on. Fortunately, however, the subject […]
Greetings Detectives: CONGRATULATIONS to Gary and Pascale Steig! Their Isabelle Rupert House was approved for a Historic Landmark Zoning Overlay by the Clackamas County Historic Review Board last evening. Final step will be approval by the County Commissioners. This is the first addition to the County’s Historic Landmark list since about 1995! You can read […]
Greeting detectives: On July 11th at 7:00 p.m., the Isabelle Rupert House, owned by Pascale Steig, will be considered for placement on Clackamas County’s list of historic landmarks. For anyone wishing to attend the hearing please visit the CC Historic Review Board’s web page. OLHD was asked by the Oak Grove Community Council (OGCC) to […]
Greetings detectives: The Oak Lodge History Detectives will be taking our usual summer break by not having regular meetings in July or August. Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be Thursday, September 12th. An announcement to that effect will be sent out in late August or very early September. We will try to work in […]
In 1889 Joseph A. Rupert and his wife Sarah M. (Reid) Rupert arrived in Portland from Silver City, Idaho along with their children Margaret (Maggie) Isabella, Ethel C. and Francis (Frank) H. Rupert. Rupert was a pharmacist by trade, originally from Toronto, Canada — born there in 1844, the son of Adam and Annabella Rupert. On Oct. 12, […]
Dear Detectives: Local history does not stop at the jurisdictional boundaries we think of today such as city limits or county lines. Those early settlers that came to the Oregon country walked, rowed, paddled, rode horseback, and later traveled by buggy and wagon – back and forth between Portland and Oregon City, and much further, […]
THURSDAY JUNE 13TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. RIVER RD. @ Maple St. Dear Detectives: This month we will be joined by Mandy Zelinka, creator of the Milwaukie Rules website, and her co-presenter Greg/Frank Hemer who will be speaking about the Milwaukie Historical Society and its relationship to Milwaukie history and […]
The 1893 completion of the East Side Railway Company between Portland and Oregon City triggered a wave of real estate development along its route, and the Jennings Lodge area was not immune. Land owners quickly learned that they could divide their property and sell lots at a profit. An influx of buyers, eager to move […]
Greetings history detectives; So — what did we look like in 1905, and what did we do for fun? This You-Tube video, filmed in San Francisco a year before the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake, demonstrates that we looked like crazy people who enjoyed PLAYING CHICKEN with the streetcars! You’ll see what I mean. In […]
THURSDAY MAY 9TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. RIVER RD. @ Maple St. Dear Detectives: Besides our routine business at our next meeting Susan Malmquist will be our guest speaker from the Oregon Historical Society. Susan is an OHS docent and will be presenting information on the OHS programs and services […]
THURSDAY APRIL 11TH 7:00 P.M. OAK LODGE WATER DISTRICT OFFICES 14496 S.E. RIVER RD. @ Maple St. Dear Detectives: In addition to our regular business our next meeting will allow for ample time to view portions of the videos made from several of our 2011 Resident Interviews Program. Though the process of retrieving all the […]
Greetings Detectives! About 15 years ago my wife and I were visited by Inez (Oatfield) West who spent her teenage years in our Oatfield Rd. home, built by her father Phil Oatfield in 1922. During that visit Inez loaned us several Oatfield family photos to be copied, and gave us a postcard-sized duplicate of a […]