The Bomber Arrives in Oak Grove 1947
Art Lacey purchases a WWII B-17 bomber and erects it on a lot on the Super Highway north of Courtney. Dedication ceremony was July 27, 1947.
Art Lacey purchases a WWII B-17 bomber and erects it on a lot on the Super Highway north of Courtney. Dedication ceremony was July 27, 1947.
Art Lacey purchases a WWII B-17 and transports it to the west side of the Super Highway in Oak Grove on June 30, 1947. It is moved a block further north in 1967. It remained a local landmark for over 60 years.
Oak Lodge area gets its first fire house – a wood framed building on Oak Ave. at East Ave. It was built on property purchased from the Skoog family.
Celebration in Milwaukie to commemorate the completion of the Super Highway (McLoughlin Blvd) between Portland and Oregon City.
Voters overwhelmingly approve the creation of the Oak Lodge Water District – a name combining the names of Oak Grove and Jennings Lodge. Voters approved the formation of a Sanitary District later, in 1956.
At the foot of today’s Oak Grove Blvd and the Willamette River – north side.
Lenora D. Miller was first postmaster. The post office name was changed to Jennings Lodge Jan. 6, 1911 [Oregon Geographic Names by Lewis A. McArthur]
Carved out of part of the Roethe farm Covell was platted by Simeon H. Covell & wife, and David N. Smith. The subdivision never incorporated.
Platted by Simeon Covell and David Smith this subdivision was located on land once part of the Roethe farm. It stretched from east of today’s McLoughlin Blvd to River Rd. and overlapped today’s Roethe Rd.
Jennings Lodge School District forms from “Concord” and builds new school.