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Michael & Minerva (Thessing) Oatfield

Michael Oatfield was from Linz, Austria, arriving in the U.S. with his family in 1853 – first settling in Union Co., IL. His surname was “Haberfellner”, but Michael changed the name to “Oatfield” about the time he headed west in 1859. He arrived in Oregon in 1862, and obtained employment at Joseph Kellogg’s sawmill in Milwaukie. Michael first rented property south of Milwaukie from the Kellogg’s, but by 1867 he was able to purchase 540 acres from Orrin and Jason Kellogg. Michael lived on his farm on Oatfield Rd. until his death in 1909.

Michael married Minerva Jane Thessing, daughter of John & Amanda Thessing, in 1867

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