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OLHD: No June Meeting




In a normal year OLHD would be having a meeting the second Thursday in June.  However, Covid-19 has changed all that.  Though Oregon is gradually starting to open up we are still experiencing new cases, and the majority of our members are in the “most vulnerable” category.  Thus it would not be prudent to be meeting, AGAIN.  Our next usual meeting date would be in October, so we’ll just have to wait and see what the health situation looks like then.

As far as updates is concerned:

OLHD has filed for tax-exempt status with the IRS. In addition to the Covid-19 impact on the IRS operations we anticipate that there will be a couple challenges with our application due to the fact that we waited so long from the time we first incorporated in 2011 until filing last month.  We’ll just have to wait and see what the IRS has to say, and that could take a while.  But at least we’ve filed and paid the application fee.

Yours truly has applied to Clackamas County to serve on the Historic Review Board – requiring final approval by the County BCC.  This is a volunteer position, and Board members evaluate new applications to be designated a County Historic Landmark, as well as evaluate applications to modify or demolish existing ones.  I go into this with some trepidation, knowing full well that the County’s existing ZDO 707 – – it’s Preservation Ordinance – – has many issues that need revising, and that such revisions take a very long time to accomplish. However, if we are going to improve our ability to preserve our historic resources this is the best place to start.

The Concord Task Force is still working on the various options for the Concord property, which include a Community Center, library and park space.  We have been meeting lately in ZOOM sessions, and the consulting firm OPSIS has been working very hard coming up with design concepts.  You can keep abreast of these concepts under consideration by following this link:

Finally, if you haven’t already heard, Oak Grove will NOT be having an Oak Grove Fest this year.  Sights are set on resuming it in 2021.

Stay home if you can, wear a mask and exercise Social Distancing when out, and stay safe.  Until there is an effective vaccination we are all still at risk.

Mike Schmeer