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Sandes of Time is for sale


The historic Harvey G. Starkweather house on River Rd. is for sale. OLHD was privileged to have been given a tour of this house several Christmases ago.

Harvey Starkweather House

This house and property is an icon in our community – connected to the Risley family history in that Harvey Starkweather’s wife was Mary Alice Risley, and the house was built on Alice’s portion of her father, Jacob Risley’s, Donation Land Claim. Harvey Starkweather was a community leader – extremely active in education and local politics and even real estate. A teacher and farmer, he played a major role in Concord’s history. A daughter of Harvey still resides in our community.

This house, built in 1909, is a designated Clackamas County Historic Landmark (SHPO #151). The house is in immaculate condition, and sits on a very large lot. We will need to watch how this sale unfolds, to see if it remains intact, or a developer tries to break the property up into smaller lots.

Mike Schmeer
Chairman, Oak Lodge History Detectives