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Oatfield House Demolition Update


Many of you may be wondering about the results of the “hearing” on March 9th pertaining to the proposed demolition of the Phil Oatfield House.

The “hearing” was intended to give interested parties an opportunity to testify before the Clackamas County Historic Review Board, with a resulting up or down decision.

It turns out that the county came to realize that, under some new rules, they were reviewing it incorrectly – that it was being reviewed as a Type II application when it should have been reviewed as a Type III application.  A Type III application must go before a Hearings Officer, as opposed to being reviewed solely by the Historic Review Board.   So the March 9th meeting became more of a gathering for a discussion — no decision was made. So it’s Back To The Drawing Board.

An actual HEARING before a Hearings Officer has been scheduled for 9:30 a.m.  April 20, 2017.  So mark your calendars!

Mike Schmeer
Chairman, Oak Lodge History Detectives