Though our OLHD meetings are still on hold, we wanted to let folks know what we’ve been up to lately:
Concord Historic Marker: A March meeting has been scheduled with NCPRD to discuss installing a historical marker commemorating the two original school buildings on the Concord Complex site – in 1890 and 1910. We have offered to help pay for the markers, and/or instigate a fundraiser. Donations are welcome.
The Bomber program: A date of May 30 has been set for a joint program between OLHD and the B-17 Alliance Foundation about the Bomber – to be given at Rose Villa. A flyer will be forthcoming.
Oak Grove Festival: OLHD is registered to have three spaces at the Festival on June 28th – – more than likely at the same location as last year. Our theme this year will be “Gone But Not Forgotten” – businesses and historic buildings that we’ve lost.
Oak Lodge Library History Room: The new Oak Lodge Library, at Concord, is slated to open in August, with a Grand Opening Celebration tentatively slated for Oct. 18th. OLHD is working with the library to plan what materials will be placed in the room, rules of use, and arranging for volunteers to staff it.
OLHD Website: The new OLHD website continues to get improvements made, bugs fixed, and additional history added. It is, and will be, a “work in progress”. 64 archives are now included, the Timeline has been built, and 23 historic sites have been added to the interactive Land Claims map. Hovering over the marker on the map will identify the purpose of the marker, and clicking on it will display an image from our archives. Details for the McLoughlin Blvd. businesses map are still being developed. We finally have working DONATIONS and CONTACT buttons on the website. We will be starting to actively promote the new website very soon. This new website is intended to supplement the new library’s history holdings and serve as a major source for knowledge about Oak Lodge’s history.
Publicity: A “save the date” notice for the Oak Grove Festival has been placed on both the website and OLHD Facebook page. Additional notices will soon be going out for the Bomber program, the new library History Room, promotion of the website, and information about the Concord historical marker as details are firmed up.
Local History Donations: OLHD is always interested in donations of photos and documents pertaining to Oak Lodge History that we can add to our archives. In the event that the donor does not want to part with their item OLHD can scan it and return the original.
Should you have any questions, contact us via the “Contact” button on this website.
Mike Schmeer
President, Oak Lodge History Detectives