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OLHD March 2015 Meeting

7:00 P.M.

14496 S.E. RIVER RD. @ Maple St.

Greetings Detectives:

Besides our routine business our March meeting will consist of a roundtable question and answer period affording attendees the opportunity to raise history related questions and seek answers to them. Some of these questions may be answered by someone in attendance. If not we’ll suggest resources to get those answered, or make a note of them for future research.

This meeting will also provide an opportunity to discuss any particular direction(s) we want OLHD to take, to seek out ideas to increase our treasury, and discuss ideas for OLHD community involvement.

We will be joined by Karin Morey, Collections Manager for the Clackamas County Historical Society.  Karen will be telling us what CCHS is all about, and the resources available through their society.  If you’ve ever wondered where the divisions are between CCHS and the Clackamas County Family History Society, located in the same building, THIS IS THE TIME TO FIND OUT.  I’m sure Karin will spell it all out for us.

OLHD considers itself a partner with CCHS.  Please join us on March 12th and learn all about one of our local partners in history.

OLHD is developing a reputation in the Oak Lodge area as an active, vibrant group of individuals passionate about preserving and sharing our area’s rich history. I am proud to be a part of it and I encourage others to get involved. Please join me on March 12th and take part in some of Oak Lodge’s reminiscences.

Mike Schmeer
Chairman, Oak Lodge History Detectives