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OLHD Membership Dues Moratorium


In any other year October would be OLHD’s Annual Meeting, at which time memberships that are due would be renewed.  This year Covid-19 has changed all that.  We have not had an in-person meeting since February 2020 and likely will not have one until well into 2021. Thus we’re all losing a year of local history education.

Because of the meeting cancellations, and the fact that our bank balance is reasonably healthy with no large expected expenses coming, the OLHD Board has decided that it would be unfair to be asking for membership renewals this fall.  So, be advised that ALL ACTIVE OLHD MEMBERSHIPS HAVE BEEN EXTENDED FOR ONE YEAR.  So if your membership was due in Oct. 2020 it will now be due in Oct. 2021, and for those whose membership would have been due in Oct. 2021 it will now be due in Oct. 2022.

OLHD appreciates all who have continued to support our efforts to ‘Investigate the Past and Enrich the Future’ of our Oak Lodge community. Thank You.


Mike Schmeer

Chairman, OLHD