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Oatfield House Demolition


The Oak Lodge History Detectives wishes to thank Restore Oregon for posting our notice about the proposed demolition of the Phil Oatfield House on their website.

You can see the post on their blog or by going to their home page and doing a search on “Oatfield”.

Restore Oregon is a non-profit organization founded in 1977 as The Historic Preservation League of Oregon, and dedicated to the mission to preserve, reuse and pass forward historic places in Oregon.

The Phil Oatfield House, incorrectly identified by Clackamas County as the “John Oatfield House”, was built in 1903 in Oak Lodge and is a designated Historic Landmark by Clackamas County.  Four Giant Sequoias in front of the house are designated by Clackamas County as Heritage Trees. The owner of this house has applied to the County to demolish it, and the application is in the review process.

Unless someone comes forward to move this house to another lot, this house will most certainly be destroyed, and another historic home in Oak Lodge will be lost forever.

If you would be interested in this house please contact Paul V. Matveev at 808-866-4454.

Information pertaining to the review process can be obtained by calling Linda Preisz, Clackamas County, at 503-742-4528 or emailing her at

Mike Schmeer
Chairman, Oak Lodge History Detectives