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The Isabelle Rupert House

Greeting detectives:

On July 11th at 7:00 p.m., the Isabelle Rupert House, owned by Pascale Steig, will be considered for placement on Clackamas County’s list of historic landmarks. For anyone wishing to attend the hearing please visit the CC Historic Review Board’s web page.

OLHD was asked by the Oak Grove Community Council (OGCC) to weigh in on this subject, which we did, and the OGCC subsequently voted to support the application. You can learn more about the Rupert family from my recent blog on the OLHD website.

You might also want to take a new look at our updated list of OLHD “Partners in History“.
This page provides a convenient gateway to several history-related websites in our area, providing history aficionados a wealth of history, photos and resources.

Mike Schmeer
Chairman, Oak Lodge History Detectives

error: Content is protected by the guy who spent thousands of hours collecting and cataloging these archives!!